25 July: COD in Sunway has resumed effective today and has changed venue to Monash University.

Reservation of books is up to 3 days max (unless there's a good reason to request for extended reservation). Please take note that inquiring DOES NOT automatically reserves the book. You must state your interest to reserve the book along with the order form, then only the book will be reserved for you.

It is important that you read the terms & conditions first, before proceeding to place an order. Please do so yeah, to avoid misunderstanding later.

ALL sold books will be removed from the site to prevent confusion and provide a more organized database. The list of sold books however can be found in the sidebar.

Principles of Development (3rd edition)
by Lewis Wolpert
SOLD to Shing Cheng
(5/8: ED848351232MY)

Management & Cost Accounting (5th edition)
The Design of Cost Management Systems: Text and Cases (2nd edition)
Advanced Management Accounting (3rd International edition)
SOLD to Dennis Wong
(5/8: CD132168481MY)

April 4, 2009

The Nancy Drew Files Case 12: Password to Larkspur Lane by Carolyn Keene

Selling: RM 3.00 (Strictly not for fussy buyers)



Nancy darted desperately down the stairs as the alarm was raised. Running for her life, she tore along the verandah and flung herself, panting, into the shrubbery. Then she raced across the open lawn to some bushes. Suddenly she heard the sound she dreaded most - the savage barking of the guard dog. Next moment a blinding light dazzled her and a voice shouted, "Here she is. I've got her , Chief!"

Nancy infiltrates the headquarters of some clever con men. But her plan goes horribly wrong...